Dragon Ball Z is making another film following the success of the most current animated movie Battle of the Gods. The official title of the movie is Dragon Ball Z: Fukkatsu no F and is being developed by Dragon Ball Z creator Akira Toriyama. The "F" in the title refers to the character Frieza who was both in the manga and the television show. Toriyama is responsible for the concept, script, and character design of the movie.
The first details of the film were released by Shueisha's V Jump magazine, the cover of which has the first promotional poster of the movie. The poster includes main character Goku as well as Frieza and Beerus who appeared in Battle of the Gods.
Courtesy: animenewsnetwork.com
Anime News Network expained fukkatsu translates to "resurrection." The film is being directed by animator Tadayoshi Yamamuro, who has been a part of Dragon Ball Z since 1986. The film is scheduled to release in Japan in April 2015. The Anime News Network article can be found here.
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